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+ 44 7803 500719

RTT Therapy Reviews

Claire Bulman

Rapid Transformational Therapy Reviews

I approached Claire because I had been suffering from anxiety since I was in my teens. I had other issues as well, such as procrastination and low self-esteem. I did the therapy session and then listened to the personalized recordings for 21 days.
The therapy session was incredibly helpful as it showed me the root cause of my issues and guided me towards overcoming them and building a new life.
The result was spectacular and the first changes occurred after the first session (I only needed one session). I noticed more changes as the weeks went by. It’s a gradual process, not an instant one. My anxiety is gone and I’ve regained my self-confidence. I didn’t expect to get so many insights into the things that held me back for so long.
I wholeheartedly recommend Claire and the RTT therapy to anyone who is struggling with anxiety, fear, procrastination and low self-esteem. The results are spectacular.

Maria, London

With the mercy of God, RTT has sincerely changed my life. Having been in and out of therapy all my life – nothing quite hit the head on the nail to truly begin my healing journey. I’m so grateful to have found Claire – I came in with an open mind and a great need for change.

Claire put my mind at ease from the initial call to the whole process and has continued to support/guide me since after. Nearly 2 months in and I haven’t stopped listening to my personalised recording, even if I’m in a good headspace within myself – it’s such a powerful reminder and reinforcement of who I am and will continue to be. I can’t recommend Claire enough; she’s brilliant at what she does and such a lovely soul, too. Thanks again.  

Zee, London

I have been reflecting on how my year and the first 6 months weren’t the best for me mentally and financially. After coming to you everything completely changed.

The most important thing to me that changed is I got joy back in my life for years I had struggled to feel a deep connection to anything I was doing and even though I was helping many people change their lives and I was accomplishing things, I felt empty.

I now feel proud of myself for what I am doing. This is something I have always struggled with but as each month has progressed the relationship I have with myself has improved tremendously and I can finally say I am proud of myself.

To top this all off I had hit my biggest month of £18k last month and consistent £10k the three before, earlier this year I had been in debt and had nothing in my accountants and found myself struggling to turn things around because my mind was so fixated by the lack in my life.

After having the two sessions with you everything changed!

I just want to say you have been fundamental in helping me grow and develop as a person, and you have changed my life.

I am more than thankful than you know, and as, someone who Is a coach and is looking to make an impact on millions of people’s lives, the ripple effect you have created will be massive!

Thank you

Jack, London

Over the years, I have tried several different therapies to help me overcome a whole range of limiting beliefs and issues. None have had the impact that I felt following my RTT session with Claire. During the session itself, I knew something had shifted, and over the following weeks, it was as though a great chasm opened up inside of me, out of which poured everything that had been holding me back in my life. I now have a new creative energy and zest for life, for which I am so grateful! If I were to use one word to sum up the impact of Claire’s work, the word would be “Transformational!”

Viv, London

For many years I have experienced anxiety and stress which affected me through big and small moments every day. I wanted to give RTT a chance to help me, as I hadn’t been able to shake off negative memories from my childhood. I was apprehensive about whether RTT would make a difference but working with Claire allowed me to revisit key events from my childhood and reframe my view of them such that they no longer trouble me. I finally feel calm confident and positive about my future, which feels so good.

Debra, London

When I sought help from Claire, I was suffering from anxiety, procrastination as well as negative self-talk and relationships. I’m so glad I did RTT because now my friends and family notice that I seem less anxious, and I am more open to expressing my feelings/ emotions. I noticed that I am doing tasks more productively, and I am not putting things off. I feel content. I am very happy with the therapy and the outcome. I’d recommend it to anyone considering it! I want to thank Claire for guiding me through the entire process.

Dragana, London

I am so happy that I found Claire. I have been suffering from disordered eating and body dysmorphia my whole life. I now wake up every day full of life, energy and confidence. I have read countless books and tried multiple types of therapy to help, but I can honestly say that having one session with Claire was the quickest and most effective. I highly recommend Claire because her work is truly life-changing.

Cathereen Welch, London

I have suffered from intimacy and relationship issues for more than two decades. It was tough for me to attract meaningful relationships into my life. Years of psychotherapy didn’t help at all. A couple of sessions with Claire helped me attract lovely relationships into my life. Now it’s love is all around me. I highly recommend Claire as a reliable, effective therapist.

Marcus, Southend

I sought help from Claire because I kept finding myself in life situations where I was being mentally bullied. I spent a lot of time trying to understand why it was happening to me, but it still kept happening. I had three sessions with Claire and am so glad that I did as the change has been rapid and I now have a very healthy strong self-protection response in place. I would highly recommend Claire.

Annie, London

I had reached a point where I no longer knew where I belonged. I was desperately low in my thoughts, feelings, and life. I couldn’t make sense of myself or my position in this life. From the outset, you were understanding and considerate, made me feel at ease, and I found myself opening up to you. The session of RTT therapy was the most intense thing ever. I was truly blown away by the depths we reached. I still am!

I am now in a place where I am no longer ruled by my past, no longer doubtful of my position in life. My confidence grows daily, my self-esteem increases. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you, Claire. What you have done is nothing short of miraculous; you have helped me to regain my very best self and have the confidence to move back into the life I have been struggling to fit into. My family and friends are aware of the changes in me, and I know they are grateful too. You went over and above to help me, Claire, and I am very thankful.

I was in a dark place, and each day was a challenge. I was experiencing low self-esteem and did not feel I was enough. I found Claire, and it was a glimmer of hope I needed. After my time with Claire, something genuinely clicked inside me. I am hopeful for the future and believe t am more than enough.

A Kaur, London

When I sought help from Claire, I was suffering from low self-esteem, I felt like I was a failure at everything and had nothing going for me.
I wasn’t sure if hypnotherapy would work or what to expect, but I decided to work with Claire because I had heard good things from a counsellor friend about Rapid Transformational Therapy and thought it was worth a try.

I’m so glad I did because now I have a much better attitude towards myself and a more positive outlook on life. I completely trusted Claire and continue to see improvements in myself over a month after the session.

L. Snaith, London

Claire guided me through a deeply revealing and healing process. I avoided hypnosis for years because I was scared, and I found Claire’s approach reassuring because I was aware all the time and processed emotions as they arose. It was also very effective: in only one month, I noticed changes in my self-esteem in many ways.

It is easier for me to say yes to life, to set boundaries, and be mindful of my needs. More importantly, I have a general sense that I deserve to be happy and that my work and relationships need to feel nourishing. My relationship with my mom has improved sensibly, it’s like we see each other with new eyes. Much gratitude to you, Claire, for your support and guidance.

I. Popescu, London

I have been suffering from anxiety for well over 35 years, I had tried everybody from Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza, and Judy May Murphy. I have tried all the self-hypnosis techniques and meditation, although these helped a little however the problem would come back.

I must admit I am absolutely elated with the results and feel like a brand new person, it has been three weeks and I have not had an anxious moment and started to go to the gym and take greater care of myself. I cannot believe the change in my temperament and how I conduct myself. I want to thank you, Claire, from the bottom of my heart for helping me achieve some peace in my life, its been so dark for so long. I must admit I was cynical when I went to Claire because of all the others I had tried and they hadn’t reaped anything in terms of results for me.

Claire was professional and caring from the start and kept in touch with me for the duration of the three weeks. I am in the process of writing my goals and changing the direction of my life something I hadn’t considered because of the awful anxiety I suffered from. I would definitely recommend Claire to anybody because I am proof that it works. Thank you once again. Peace and love

Muhammad Khan, London

When I sought help from Claire Bulman my daughter was suffering from bullying. She was anxious and sad. I decided to work with Claire because I heard about hypnotherapy and when I spoke the first time to Claire she seems to know what to do.

I’m so glad I did because with the therapy my daughter has gained a different level of confidence, she is not afraid to speak up when other children in the school might say something that she does not like. My daughter’s self-esteem is improving every day, and I am glad that Claire has worked with both of us.

Things can change and I am a faithful witness. Thanks, Claire, for helping us.

Yamari Ovalles de L., London

“When I sought help from Claire (RTT therapist) I was unable to socialise without binge drinking and this was affecting my wellbeing and I found myself feeling guilty and angry the next day, I wanted to stop but didn’t know how it wasn’t just as simple as saying I was going to no longer drink excessive alcohol. It was about changing a habit that had built up over many years.

The session was amazing and I came away feeling like a load had been lifted and positive about the habit changes I wanted to make. I can honestly say the session and recording have helped me, and I can now go out and have just a couple of alcoholic drinks, which I enjoy much more, as well as no hangovers and feelings of guilt the next day. I would recommend Claire to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.”

Nicola, Essex

“For years I had anxiety dreams which caused me to wake at night. In one session you cleared it. Thanks to you Claire I now how uninterrupted sleep.”

Virginia, London

I am thrilled to tell you that I have gone down 1.8 kilos, in about a week. That has never happened that I should lose that much in such a short time. Also, I can’t believe it as I’m writing it, but I don’t have cravings!!!! I am not tormented by fighting against eating sweets! Can you believe it. Wow! I have no words to thank you.

Rachel, Israel

I have seen a big difference in my interaction with my colleagues on that board that we discussed in my session. In the last meeting, they were far less defensive in dealing with my questions, and they even thanked me for my advice, which is a change from where we were before I spoke with you.

Daniel VP, London

All my life, I have had issues regarding money – not being able to keep hold of it, not feeling comfortable asking for decent rates, wasting it on silly little things and feeling unable to spend on good quality items for myself.

Five weeks ago, I had a session with Claire to tackle these problems. In one session, Claire got to the root cause of the issue plaguing my life for 35 years. She enabled me to remove the deep-seated unconscious beliefs causing me to experience money problems. Five weeks on, and I have a new, positive attitude to money. I no longer feel worried and stressed about asking clients to pay me decent rates for my services. If you are thinking of using Claire, I would recommend her.

Andrea D, Wales via Skype

As an 83-year-old with a knee replacement, I approached Claire for help with pain relief following the operation.

All I can say is that with the help of Claire’s recordings and my exercises, I made an exemplary recovery (with my physio and surgeon impressed with my recovery). Six months on, and I’m about to have the second knee replaced, and I shall once again be using Claire’s visualisation techniques to support my rehabilitation.

Shirley, Essex

“I came to Claire because I was a very nervous trader. In a nutshell, I feared losing money, and I felt this way despite knowing all I needed to know to be a successful trader. But I didn’t trust I had the knowledge or confidence to deal with a trade against me. Straight after the first session with Claire, the nervousness disappeared. I am enjoying trading and having fun with it. I am now on the way to achieving my dream of financial freedom because I can better control my nerves. Thank you, Claire!”

Neera, London

“Claire is a brilliant, confident and skilled therapist. I came out of the session feeling like I love being me, knowing that I will effortlessly reach my full potential. Knowing that this potential is now growing beyond my imagination. The struggle seems far away, but ease and positive energy are present. Thank you.”

Dom, Switzerland via Skype

“I came to Claire about a month ago for weight loss. At that time, I had recently gone through a shake diet whereby I did lose some weight, but I gained it all back on immediately after and felt very disappointed. I discovered that I was too emotionally attached to food and that the shake diet had made it worse.

I was almost fearful of eating at all.

I called Claire and did hypnosis with her to release my emotional attachment to eating and to programme my subconscious mind into letting go of the 5 kilos I felt were excessive on me. A week into the hypnosis, I lost 2 kilos without really trying. That is, I ate whatever I felt like, and within a month, I lost 5 kilos and am now my “dream weight” for the first time in my life! Thank you, Claire.”

Leah, Norway via Skype

I have felt increasing confidence since our session and feel like I have really made peace with some of the things that happened as a child.

I have been hyper-aware of how I have been using food as comfort, but I am not getting the same feeling of release when I consume sugar. My sugar cravings have diminished massively. And I just launched my first product recently, which I think reflects my level of confidence improving. Thank you so much for your work.

Leticia, London

“Claire, after one session with you, my food craving has gone. It has been two months since I saw you, and there’s no sign of it returning. I am losing weight, and I feel so much better. I can’t thank you enough!”

Tina M, London

“Claire’s genuine interest, intuition, and wonderful hypnotherapy helped me set off on the right track to self-love, appreciation for myself, and as a byproduct- love for others. Long after my sessions, Claire was available and happy to answer questions and encouraged me to keep in touch regarding my progress. She even took out her time to teach me the basics of self-hypnosis, a life-rocking tool!

Thank you, Claire, for the work you have done with me and for continuing to be a source of information and encouragement in my life’s journey!”

Chani, New Jersey via Skype

I wanted to share with you how wonderful and truly liberating I found your session. It was like the unshackling of old chains, and I truly appreciate your approach and wonderful way of communicating with us.

My husband and I were very impressed, and I genuinely feel you have helped me greatly. I  have more understanding of where (stress and anxiety) come from, and I think my brain is getting better messages from myself.

Rachel, Israel

I wanted to share with you the impact our session a few weeks ago has made on my life. You asked me some very profound questions, which brought up many deep emotions and memories that we addressed during the RTT session. This, undoubtedly, was one of, if not the key, core moments to turn my whole view of myself and my life around – thank you so much. I am now feeling better than I have for years. With deep gratitude

Karen, London

“One simple thing Claire said and did instantly change our teenage son and family dynamic for the better.”

Sarah, New Zealand via Skype

RTT Therapy reviews, Rapid transformational therapy, RTT therapist

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